Progress towards a Safer Austin Street

Since 2018, over 75 crashes on the Austin Street commercial district have occurred, with over 90 injuries. Most injured are pedestrians and cyclists. (NYPD)

The sidewalks are too narrow for the large crowds. This particularly hurts people who need more space to move around, such as disabled folks and parents with strollers.

According to the City’s Pedestrian Mobility Plan, Austin Street is a “Neighborhood Corridor.” Its sidewalks should be at least 15’ wide. Many sections of Austin are 4’.

The Q23 bus stops are constantly blocked, forcing bus riders to get on and off in the middle of the street. The elderly and disabled are hit the hardest.

The Q23 itself is often stuck in traffic, making it the “slowest bus in Queens” (NYT)

The congestion leads to idling cars, frustrated drivers, lots of honking, pollution, and dangerous maneuvers as drivers try to escape it.

On average, a car’s horn is 110 decibels. Experts say that prolonged exposure to levels above 85 can damage hearing and cause many other health issues.

Austin Street does not have to be like this. We can fix it! But we need your help!

Take Action

Austin Street will not fix itself; a better, safer, more environmentally friendly, more economically vibrant Austin Street is possible, but we must dare to ask for it!

Help us do just that!